Wednesday, March 08, 2006

rubber glove,coffee cup, yellow paint

toy saw, door hinge

toy plier handle, painted doll arm

toy sword, computer cd drive

compact (mirror was broken already) , doll hands, painted-on gloves

compact (already broken mirror), toy hands, painted-on gloves

pills by day, matches

doll torso, computer part, painted toy plier handle

shaving cream pump, fan from the inside of a computer

beer can, precious plastic

christ tool. toy wrench, cross from a rosary

fake flower leaves, doll head, ribbon, coffee cup

fabric, pins, thread, needle, lightbulb

gallery shots of reese's top five

the three sexiest people ever born. ITS A REVOLUTION. cant stop wont stop.

i was all glue gunning and shit....and then.....the hot glue fell on my finger and i thought no big deal haha ive had hot glue on me millions of times it doesnt hurt that bad. WRONG. the glue gun was set on high which i guess is like 380 degrees and my skin instantly blistered and popped open. two fucking layers of skin. and it was all raw underneath. these pictures dont give it justice at was soo much nastier than it looks man. so i just stuck a bandaid on that sucker and kept workin. yeah...points.

some combinations i tried while working on my found-object piece that didnt make the cut. sorry about the shitty photos, im still figuring out my new digitalsatan camera. im all analog - fuck this automatic bullshikk.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

and a drawing that i did. and a drawing of a bucket. you know you like it.

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